申请流程 Program Application
1. 在申请我校国际夏校(冬校)研修项目之前,学生咨询所在大学的海外学习办公室(Study Abroad office)、教务处(Registrar's office)或所在学院指导老师(Department Advisor),获取学分转换的申请流程信息和对应申请表格。
2. 根据项目课程列表选择入读课程,在所在大学课程顾问老师的指导下填写和准备学分转换申请材料,按照规定向所在大学缴纳费用,最终获取学籍所在大学对国际课程学分转换的批准信。
3. 将批准信、入学申请表及申请材料发送至专用邮箱tj_aes@tongji.edu.cn,在5个工作日内完成审核后,可获得我校国际夏校(冬校)研修班入学通知书。
4. 正式入读我校国际夏校(冬校)研修班,开始学习该课程并接受考核。
5. 成功完成所就读的课程科目后,我校培训结业证书和成绩单将在1周后寄送给学生本人或学生学籍所在的学校教务处。
6. 由学生学籍所在学校按照相关流程完成学分转换。
课程设置 Program Curriculum
授课形式 Teaching Activity
我校国际夏校(冬校)研修项目所有课程都将以英文语言授课,课程长度为3 -4周,每周上课5天,每门课程每次时长2小时40分钟,其中2小时为教授讲课,另外配置40分钟课后辅导。国际课程的所有授课教授及助教都将尽心教学,以确保每一位学生都能够在课程结业后学有所得,并将在我校所修读课程学分顺利转换至学籍所在大学。
各类活动 Extracurricular Activities
招生对象及入学要求 Eligibility
• 年满18周岁的国际高校在校本科生或研究生。
• 学生在入学课程前需提前取得学籍所在大学签发的批准信。
• 因本项目所有课程均使用英文教学,学生需要具备相应的英文水平。
申请材料 Application Documents
• 学生个人护照信息页扫描件
• 学籍所在大学最新在读成绩单扫描件
• 填写完整的入学申请表
住宿推荐 Accommodation
2023 年 11 月
Tongji University International Short Term Program Introduction
Tongji University's short-term credit course program, aims to establish an international, standardized, and innovative curriculum. This program is open to international university students and is designed to foster exchange and cooperation between domestic top-tier universities and renowned international institutions. With the goal of pioneering a new international talent development model, students can expand their horizons, interact with international students, and get their international academic and language skills enhanced. This program will run from December to January and June to July every term respectively.
Program Application
1. Before applying for the Tongji University International Short Term Program, consult your University's Study Abroad Office, Registrar's Office, or Department Advisor to obtain information about the credit transfer application and the corresponding application form.
2. Select the course(s) from the Tongji University Short Term Program course list. With the guidance of Department Advisor from your university, complete the Credit Transfer Form, gather the necessary application materials and pay the tuition to your home university accordingly. An approval letter can be received for credit transfer from your university after the steps above.
3. Submit the approval letter, program application form, and related documents to tj_aes@tongji.edu.cn. Allow approximately 5 working days for document examination. After approval, you will receive an admission letter for the Tongji University Short Term Program.
4. Enroll in the Tongji University Short Term Program and commence your course study and assessment.
5. Upon successful completion of your enrolled Short Term Program course(s), Tongji University will issue the training certificate and transcript to you or your university within one week.
6. Your university will facilitate credit transfer in accordance with their relevant procedures.
Program Curriculum
Tongji University International Short Term Program is located at Tongji University's Siping Road Campus, lasting for 3-4 weeks (exact start dates are detailed in the admission brochure). Highlighting the practical advantages of Shanghai as an international economic and financial hub, the courses cover Business, Arts, Science, and Engineering. Moreover, the courses are meticulously designed by professors from renowned worldwide universities in line with the teaching requirements and standards of their respective countries. The curriculum also aligns with international universities' syllabus and assessment criteria.
Teaching Activity
All courses within the Tongji University Short Term Program will be conducted in English, five days a week. Each course consists of 2 hours and 40 minutes every time, with 2 hours allocated for professor-led lectures and 40 minutes for tutoring. Our program's professors and assistants are dedicated to assisting students in their learning to ensure that every student can gain something after the completion of the course and transfer the credits of the courses taken in Tongji University to the home university where the student is from.
Extracurricular Activities
In addition to the short term program curriculum, Tongji University organizes various extracurricular activities and visits to well-known companies, such as Trip Group headquarters and Shanghai Volkswagen headquarters.
· To be eligible, you must be an undergraduate or graduate student aged 18 or above.
· Students should obtain an approval letter from their home university before enrolling in the Short Term Program.
· Students should possess the necessary English proficiency as all courses are taught in English.
Application Documents
· Passport page
· Latest scanned transcripts from home university
· Tongji Program Application From
Students can apply for the hotel in Tongji University or book nearby hotels. Due to the limited availability, early booking is recommended.
School of Continuing Education
Tongji University
November 2023